作者:Zheng Jian;編譯:Dora Li,Cindy Zhan,Livi Cheng
16 評論
I have seen the Shen yun dancers twice and they are beyond beautiful. I love the story and know in my heart that LOVE is the only way to peace and happiness. God bless in your mission of peace and love
Knowing that she lost her appetite and could not eat he still offered to cook for her.
Knowing that the bamboo shoots do not grow in winter he still went to look for them.
He allowed through his heart that the problem can be solved.
And it did.
Thank you for sharing this lovely story.
Yes, LOVE is an active word. It covers all, and it motivates. My family loves your sharing of beauty.
This miracle is the Goodness of Humanity which is always here to reveal its Basic Goodness/Kindness. Not just being moved by filial piety but the pure essence of this very act. This actual reality is closer & profound than we can ever conceive; It is one of the underlying principles of the Universe that manifest when conditions are right…………
Reminder of faith, love, beauty ever available beneath those moments of despair. Thank you
Executive summary, we must never, never, give up with God all things are possible believe that’s a mountain can be moved in the mountain will be moved, missing your show tremendously looking forward to you getting back on the road again
Beautiful and so tender!
Love makes miracles happen
Love makes miracles happen
Yes, this tale is beautiful we need to keep our faithful spirit always up! because no matter what everything is going to be ok.
God is good all the time!
“Where there is a will there is a way quote.” Love
Heaven and Earth are not so far removed from each other if you just have faith
A little bit of Faith goes a long way.
“Seek and ye shall Find”.
Never give up.
The light of spirit shows the way. Thank you for the revealing story.