作者:Zheng Jian;編譯:Dora Li,Livi Cheng
一天,御廚在睡夢中,看到有道人騎着仙鶴向他飛來,飛到他身邊時,唱偈到: 「大德善化千金方,濟世豈用草藥湯?天外玄功金丹做,觀汝德至救瘧殃。快接仙丹吧!」
14 評論
Wonderful reminder that true generosity is something that comes from the heart!
Great selfless, compassion story , especially in this time.
My husband and I saw shenyun in Portland Maine and it was wonderful. I now live in San Antonio TX and would have liked to take my daughter to see it but Covid hit so was unable to go. I hope it comes back to San Antonio so that we can go.
very like
very nice
this story is very inspiring and is a good way to make people kind and compassionate like now in 2020 during this pandemic this is a very good story and lesson.
When the selfishness vanish and change into compassion, only then people can save themselves and many others from disaster.
Empathy and Love will cry tears of joy in heaven and Apathy and those who turn a blind eye will cry tears of agony and regret way down below. Love all that is good and right.
I love the story . The lesson learned, respect one another and share I saw the Shen Yun show last year with my husband and I was going to take my grandson who will s 12 years old to see it this year unfortunately because of this virus we can’t make it but as soon as this is over I guarantee that my husband and my grandchild will go see you show.
Panacea instead of pandemic! Thank you! Looking forward to more Shen Yun soon, I hope. I love my Ladies of the Court Flying Fairy compact, from my son for Mother’s Day.
Lessons that could be useful today
Love these very meaningful stories! They bring joy in the powers of love.
I love the Chinese stories and have seen Shen Yun four times so far and each time it gets better if that is possible. The stories have such morals to them and I really enjoy reading them.
Thank you.
Beautiful story! Especially for our times.