Is Shen Yun on DVD? No. And Yes.


作者:Lisa Ma;編譯:Ariel Tian





神韻交響樂團的光碟收錄了神韻藝術總監D.F.先生創作的所有交響樂作品和原創歌曲,還有巡迴演出時表演的西方古典音樂的經典曲目。中西合璧的樂器組合,是一場靈感來源於五千年神傳文明的古典交響樂盛宴。所有原創歌曲使用西方失傳已久的意大利歌劇傳統唱法(bel canto)來演唱,被稱為聖詩,能給聆聽者帶來靈魂的啟迪和藝術的享受。您可以將神韻交響樂團歷年的曲目都收集完整,這將是您古典音樂藝術不可或缺的寶藏。

除了光碟外,神韻藝術團還開通了「神韻作品」網絡平台(Shen Yun Creations),有免費和付費的內容分享給喜愛神韻的朋友們。這個平台有幕後花絮視頻,演員技巧展示,神韻學生作品,神韻歷年精選表演劇目,還有音樂劇。您可以隨時訂閱觀賞!


5 評論

Please consider the population that cannot physically attend a performance, and make a dvd for them

Daphne 12月 18, 2024

Because you’re mission is to educate and enlighten please put it on dvd. There is an array of reasons why many can not see it life. Please consider making it available. I have a newborn at cannot take her.

Shelly Bice 11月 17, 2024


Your intractable position refusing to provide DVD or Blu-ray presentations ignores one very important fact: many, due to being handicapped or otherwise home-bound, are incapable of attending ANY of your performances. To deny those people the ability to see your life-changing program is, in and of itself, discriminatory.

PLEASE reconsider!

Respectfully yours,


Ron Russ 11月 17, 2024

Same here. I have a father who wanted to see the live p[erformance for a while. He even went out and bought a new suit and tickets for the San Fransisco performance. However his health has rapidly deteriorated and he is not able to physically go see it. It would be great if he was able to watch it from the comfort of his living room.

sue 3月 17, 2024

I would give anything to attend a performance, however, my disability prevents that. So I was looking for a DVD. I will have to just enjoy what I can see in the trailers

David Trummer 1月 23, 2024

