圖片博客:台北巡演 (一)
編譯:Eddie Xie
許多神韻粉絲都知道,我們有六個同樣大小的藝術團同時在全世界巡迴演出。您可能也有興趣來看看神韻藝術品的展位。這是我們的一位神韻藝術團演員在臺北市巡演時拍的展位照片。您也可以拍照分享,記得加我們神韻藝術品的標籤 #ShenYunShop 。
2 評論
how to wear such large scarves
Well Shen yun I guess the only time that I can actually see what Taiwan and china looks like in full is on television the truth is I know there is a limit to how much they can show about China through television. However this photo is just a clear example on the merchandise from Shen yun I just hope that selling this stuff is a good sign from Shen yun.