編譯 Pingping Yu
從前有一個年輕人,一心向道,立志要修行成仙。他想要找一個清幽的山洞來靜心清修,於是四處尋找,終於找到了滿意的山洞。年輕人把山洞修整一番,好不容易修好了。正要安頓下來修行的時候,一個老人來到了洞裏。他央求年輕人說:「 我年紀一大把了,不知道還有幾年好活。 不趕快修行就來不及了。你還很年輕,還有很多時間去找其它的山洞。可不可以請你把這個山洞讓給我呢?」
最後,他找到一個非常滿意的山洞,拖著蒼老的身軀,費盡了力氣把山洞修整好。這時來了一個年輕的小伙子,對他説道:「老人家,您這麽大歲數了,現在才開始修行,已經來不及了。不如您做做好事把山洞讓給我,我在有生之年一定能修成。 」
5 評論
What a heartfelt and redeeming message. To me it says that the good you do for others will eventually turn out to be worthwhile even though it might take some to fully realize it. I believe uplifting nuggets like these are universal.
Don’t lose hope!
Don’t give up, even you can’t fell or see anything …
Such a inspiring story :)
Sometimes we are frustrated or don’t see the true meaning of the events in our life. But this story showed me that when we keep goodness in our hearts we don’t have to worry and that we are on the right path.
Very interesting story that brings many meaningful lessons, helping others is helping yourself. Thanks a lot
Awe… I really loved this story! Helping others is a way to shape your own characters and self betterment. What an opportunity to be asked for help!