十法繫搭圍巾 秒變百種風情
作者:Sarah Chou, Serena Liang
編譯:Ariel Tian,Livi Cheng
製作於義大利的神韻真絲絲巾 ,用獨特的雙面印透技術,和精緻的手工捲邊工藝,以獨家原創設計將神韻的美好駐留在方寸之間的天地。現在就讓我們的神韻藝術家們給您展示,如何才能將這份美好,用百搭多變的方式,在您的舉手投足間再次展現。

6 評論
What beautiful, colorful scarfs!…first time viewing.
As grandparents…Took our family of 10…children, spouses, and grandchildren to your Shen Yun performance in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
What a pleasure, fun, joy and awe in watching such a demonstrative, energetic, colorful performance.!!!
We will definitely attend again!
Thank you!
So lovely! Great idea ((:
Thank you for these beautiful ideas :)
Thank you so much for showing us different ways to wear the gorgeous Shen Yun scarves. I’ve purchased a few scarves from the Shen Yun collection over the years, and I treasure them. To me, each one is a work of art!
Those are fantastic ideas! The models and videos are superb!
Brilliant idea to show us all the many wonderful ways we can wear our gorgeous Shen Yun scarves!
I love mine!! And I want to buy another, longer shawl !