Traditional Fashion Week Starts NOW
Find out how YOU can be the star of the "show" below...
The Shen Yun
New York Fashion Week is on now. But, the Shen Yun
In keeping with our mission of reviving the beautiful and traditional we are launching our first ever…
Traditional Fashion Week
All this week we will celebrate the classic designs, colors, and patterns in the products we make. We will also highlight the history and beauty of these richly meaningful designs.
We want YOU to star in our Traditional Fashion Show.
Simply submit a picture of yourself with your Shen Yun product and a small description for a chance to be featured on our social media “runway”!
Email your submission to Content@Shenyun .com
You can also tag us @ShenYun on Instagram or Facebook and use the hashtag #ShenYun #TFW19 to participate. (Just make sure you have a public profile so we can find you!).
Join us this week as we celebrate the beauty of traditional and timeless fashion!